Resources for Homeowners Associations to Advance Sustainable Practices — Historic Preservation

Historic Preservation


Development may occur on lands that are historic landscapes and farmsteads, creating the question of how to preserve and reuse historic buildings and structures as well how to preserve historic context. Reuse of buildings is the original sustainable practice; it continues the use of already embodied energy and materials from building construction as well as prevents materials from going into landfills. Additionally, historic buildings can be re-used as community centers or other neighborhood service-oriented businesses, like daycares, barbers, or fitness centers, creating a walkable destination within the community and a valuable amenity.

Grants and Funding

If an HOA were to take on rehabilitation or adaptive reuse of a historic property, a non-profit component of the HOA, or a non-profit or governmental partner, would be needed for most grant funding and other fundraising. Additionally, unless the historic resource had significant historical value, an application for funding would likely only be eligible or competitive if the resource were made publicly accessible. Preservation PA's Preservation Funding website is a good place to start if considering a historic preservation project.


Education and Resources