Chester County Migration Flows, 2006-2010

Migration is an important factor for the growth or decline of an area. Population gain due to in-migration is a positive sign for a community. People move in because of positive attributes, such as jobs, schools, and quality of life features. People may move out because they are attracted to another area for some reason, such as a job, family ties, or physical features of the area. They may also leave for negative factors in their present area, such as a lack of job opportunities or suitable housing. This may indicate problems for an area to address.

This report considers only domestic migration, which is the number of people that move between Chester County and other counties in Pennsylvania or other states. It excludes moves within Chester County and international migration to or from areas outside the United States.

The data for this report were produced by the U.S. Census Bureau from the American Community Survey showing how many people migrated from one specific county to another during the course of a year. The question in the survey asks people where they lived one year prior to being surveyed. The estimates in this report come from surveys completed from 2006 through 2010.

Footnote: The Planning Commission prepared a similar migration report following the 2000 Census. That census asked where respondents lived five years ago instead of one year ago in the American Community Survey. Partly due to this difference in the questions, the number of migrants is higher in the earlier report and the data cannot be directly compared. However, it does appear that the general pattern of migration flows remains similar to the previous report. The highest migration flows are between Chester County and nearby counties.

Key Highlights

Definition of Terms

Migration: Moves that cross the Chester County boundary.

Overview of Chester County Migration Flows

Figure 1: Total Domestic Migration to or from Chester County, 2006-2010

Place Moving to or from Gross Migration In-migration to Chester County Out-migration from Chester County Net Migration
Different County in Pennsylvania 28,748 13,873 14,875 -1,002
State other than Pennsylvania 21,962 11,885 10,077 1,808
Total Migration 50,710 25,758 24,952 806

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-year estimates


Interstate Migration

This section provides information about interstate migration flows between Chester County and states other than Pennsylvania. The District of Columbia is included.

Figure 2: Interstate gross migration



Figure 3: Interstate Migration, 2006-2010

State Moving To or From Gross Migration In-migration to Chester County Out-migration from Chester County Net Migration
Alabama 145 25 120 -95
Alaska 48 48 0 48
Arizona 222 101 121 -20
Arkansas 86 40 46 -6
California 1,898 1,162 736 426
Colorado 183 40 143 -103
Connecticut 427 237 190 47
Delaware 3,167 1,743 1,424 319
District of Columbia 121 45 76 -31
Florida 1,500 823 677 146
Georgia 363 108 255 -147
Hawaii 54 44 10 34
Idaho 25 25 0 25
Illinois 660 495 165 330
Indiana 333 279 54 225
Iowa 42 10 32 -22
Kansas 26 20 6 14
Kentucky 14 14 0 14
Louisiana 0 0 0 0
Maine 243 154 89 65
Maryland 1,130 614 516 98
Massachusetts 810 449 361 88
Michigan 267 128 139 -11
Minnesota 34 13 21 -8
Mississippi 0 0 0 0
Missouri 66 15 51 -36
Montana 54 54 0 54
Nebraska 22 0 22 -22
Nevada 100 88 12 76
New Hampshire 86 38 48 -10
New Jersey 3,899 2,546 1,353 1,193
New Mexico 92 50 42 8
New York 1,241 844 397 447
North Carolina 722 222 500 -278
North Dakota 0 0 0 0
Ohio 459 132 327 -195
Oklahoma 50 50 0 50
Oregon 77 33 44 -11
Rhode Island 86 12 74 -62
South Carolina 429 96 333 -237
South Dakota 0 0 0 0
Tennessee 355 128 227 -99
Texas 827 355 472 -117
Utah 16 0 16 -16
Vermont 92 52 40 12
Virginia 1,290 482 808 -326
Washington 36 3 33 -30
West Virginia 57 41 16 25
Wisconsin 104 27 77 -50
Wyoming 4 0 4 -4
Total (excluding PA) 21,962 11,885 10,077 1,808

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-year estimates

Net migration provides an indication of states that Chester County gained residents from and states Chester County lost residents to. The net migration numbers are very low. The number of in-migrants and out-migrants for each state largely offset each other.


County Level Migration

Figure 4 and Figure 5 present information on gross migration between Chester County and other counties in the United States. Figure 6 presents information on net migration for the counties.

Figure 4: County to County Gross Migration Map



Figure 5: Chester County Gross Migration Flows with other U. S. Counties, 2006-2010

State County Gross Migration* In-migration to Chester County Out-migration from Chester County
Pennsylvania Montgomery 6,329 3,711 2,618
Pennsylvania Delaware 5,776 3,748 2,028
Pennsylvania Philadelphia 3,570 1,713 1,857
Pennsylvania Lancaster 3,261 1,238 2,023
Delaware New Castle 2,912 1,625 1,287
Pennsylvania Berks 2,125 881 1,244
Pennsylvania Centre 1,206 68 1,138
Pennsylvania Clearfield 977 0 977
Pennsylvania Bucks 797 489 308
Pennsylvania Dauphin 600 379 221
Pennsylvania Allegheny 558 166 392
Pennsylvania Cumberland 493 95 398
California San Francisco 459 440 19
New Jersey Burlington 455 228 227
New Jersey Camden 417 274 143
California Los Angeles 409 288 121
New Jersey Monmouth 359 233 126
New Jersey Mercer 315 156 159
New Jersey Bergen 305 177 128
Pennsylvania Northampton 293 96 197
New Jersey Ocean 268 164 104
Illinois DuPage 263 263 0
Maryland Cecil 263 158 105
New Jersey Cape May 258 178 80
Florida Hillsborough 253 228 25
Pennsylvania Lehigh 253 77 176

*counties with over 250 gross migration flows
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-year estimates

Net migration between Chester County and other counties identifies where Chester County gained residents from and where residents moved to.

Figure 6: Chester County Net Migration Flows with other U. S. Counties, 2006-2010

State County Gross Migration* In-migration to Chester County Out-migration from Chester County
Pennsylvania Delaware 1,720 3,748 2,028
Pennsylvania Montgomery 1,093 3,711 2,618
California San Francisco 421 440 19
Delaware New Castle 338 1,625 1,287
Illinois DuPage 263 263 0
Florida Hillsborough 203 228 25
Pennsylvania Allegheny -226 166 392
Texas Travis -232 0 232
Pennsylvania Cumberland -303 95 398
Pennsylvania Berks -363 881 1,244
Pennsylvania Lancaster -785 1,238 2,023
Pennsylvania Clearfield -977 0 977
Pennsylvania Centre -1,070 68 1,138

*counties with over +200 or -200 net migration flows
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-year estimates



Figure 7: Chester County Migration Flows within Pennsylvania, 2006-2010

County Gross Migration In-migration to Chester County Out-migration from Chester County Net Migration for Chester County
Adams 102 40 62 -22
Allegheny 558 166 392 -226
Armstrong 0 0 0 0
Beaver 23 16 7 9
Bedford 44 31 13 18
Berks 2,125 881 1,244 -363
Blair 173 74 99 -25
Bradford 63 52 11 41
Bucks 797 489 308 181
Butler 24 24 0 24
Cambria 44 33 11 22
Cameron 0 0 0 0
Carbon 128 42 86 -44
Centre 1,206 68 1,138 -1,070
Clarion 25 14 11 3
Clearfield 977 0 977 -977
Clinton 33 0 33 -33
Columbia 118 37 81 -44
Crawford 38 1 37 -36
Cumberland 493 95 398 -303
Dauphin 600 379 221 158
Delaware 5,776 3,748 2,028 1,720
Elk 0 0 0 0
Erie 39 0 39 -39
Fayette 76 0 76 -76
Forest 8 0 8 -8
Franklin 195 167 28 139
Fulton 15 15 0 15
Greene 11 4 7 -3
Huntingdon 62 41 21 20
Indiana 151 51 100 -49
Jefferson 0 0 0 0
Juniata 11 6 5 1
Lackawanna 123 33 90 -57
Lancaster 3,261 1,238 2,023 -785
Lawrence 22 22 0 22
Lebanon 54 35 19 16
Lehigh 253 77 176 -99
Luzerne 77 46 31 15
Lycoming 125 19 106 -87
McKean 4 0 4 -4
Mercer 15 0 15 -15
Mifflin 0 0 0 0
Monroe 62 45 17 28
Montgomery 6,329 3,711 2,618 1,093
Montour 2 0 2 -2
Northampton 293 96 197 -101
Northumberland 14 14 0 14
Perry 12 0 12 -12
Philadelphia 3,570 1,713 1,857 -144
Pike 7 7 0 7
Potter 10 10 0 10
Schuylkill 144 92 52 40
Snyder 73 17 56 -39
Somerset 7 4 3 1
Sullivan 0 0 0 0
Susquehanna 0 0 0 0
Tioga 7 3 4 -1
Union 37 9 28 -19
Venango 3 0 3 -3
Warren 0 0 0 0
Washington 21 21 0 21
Wayne 47 24 23 1
Westmoreland 61 61 0 61
Wyoming 0 0 0 0
York 200 102 98 4
Total 28,748 13,873 14,875 -1,002

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-year estimates