Five-Year Trends Report | Changes to How and Where We Work | Pandemic Impacts on Transportation | Commerce and Industry Trends | Housing Affordability 2.0 | Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability
A rapid transition to remote work for those with computer-based jobs was a significant result of the pandemic. While the ability to work from home either full or part-time was not a new concept, many workplaces were forced to fully transition to a remote work model almost overnight. Conversely, frontline and essential services workers did not have this option as their employers, at least temporarily, closed or they continued to report to work in person. The remote workplace structure continues to evolve as businesses grapple with decisions on bringing workers back into the office or allowing a remote work to continue, with many landing on a compromise of hybrid work.
Respondents to the Landscapes3 Trends Survey identified the ability to work from home and an improved work commute as the first and third top trends that have personally impacted them most directly. Resolving employee preferences for working at home versus in-person rated moderately high as a trend that impacted their community, business, or place of work.
The trend in remote work and decreasing demand for office space was clearly recognized in the county's pre-L3 Commercial Landscapes Series: Reinventing Office Parks for the 21st Century (2017). (see p. 7). This publication had multiple recommendations for adapting to new office space demands. Landscapes3 also recognized these changing work trends in the Prosper Objective A: "Promote a diverse industry base and flexible workplaces that can adapt to rapidly evolving market, demographic, and technological trends." Two L3 Prosper recommendations that address this object are: "Create a countywide redevelopment program to revitalize underutilized properties." and "Encourage Suburban Center investment by increasing transportation amenities and creating an enhanced sense of place." Many of the other prosper recommendations also focus on providing a strong and diverse economic base in the county. The Landscapes3 Suburban Center and Urban Center Design Guides are relevant in making suburban and urban centers even more attractive to live and work.
he issue that Landscapes3 did not foresee was the pandemic and the very rapid transition to remote work and more pronounced impact on office vacancy. However, many of the recommendations noted above, particularly in the "Reinventing the Office Parks" publication as well as the Design Guides are still relevant. Chester County’s many amenities and high quality of place will continue to attract both employers and new residents, whether they are remote or in-person employees.
In the years after the Great Recession, office building vacancy rates rose to 10% or higher, peaking at 12% in 2013 before declining to 7% in 2018. During the pandemic, office vacancies rose, hovering around 10% from 2021 through 2023. For 2024, the vacancy rate rose to 12%. (Source: CCPC The Chester County Economy, 2024)
Prior to the pandemic, the percentage of residents who “worked from home” ranged from 7.9% to 8.9%. But in 2021, 29.1% of residents worked from home, which was nearly one third of the work force. In 2022 and 2023, 22.2% and 21.3% worked from home respectively. (Source: US Census, 1 Year American Community Surveys)