The ORPC is a group of dedicated municipal officials and planning commission members who represent their communities in addressing regional planning issues, coordinating for the mutual benefit of the participating municipalities, and working together to implement policies set forth in the Multimunicipal Comprehensive Plan. View a list of the active Planning Committee members (as of April 2024).
The next meeting of the Oxford Region Planning Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Please email Mark Gallant, ORPC Secretary, for a Meeting Agenda at
Public Outreach, which is a priority with the Oxford Region’s Multimunicipal Comprehensive Plan update, continued as the Public Kick-off Meeting was held at the Herr’s Visitor’s Center on February 28, 2024 (please see the meeting report).
The latest strategy in the outreach effort was a public survey the “went live” at the October First Friday in Oxford Borough. During the following weeks, fliers (included to the right) and links were posted on all municipal websites and the members of the ORPC helped to get the word out about the survey distributing postcards at the nine polling places in the Oxford Region during the national election. The survey was active for about two months and closed at the beginning of December.
We are excited to share that 396 English surveys and 7 Spanish surveys were completed and submitted. (Please email Mark Gallant for an overview of the survey results: The survey results will be analyzed further and inform the development of priorities for the Comprehensive Plan and goals and objectives for the individual plan chapters.
View the project schedule updated Fall of 2024. Please contact Mark Gallant, ORPC Secretary, with any questions at
In an effort to record the activities of the ORPC and provide updates to those interested parties unable to attend meetings, Meeting Reports are available for all meetings starting with May 2023.
Section XIV of the Oxford Region Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement requires that the ORPC prepare an annual report concerning activities carried out in the previous year. View the 2023 ORPC Annual Report.
In accordance with Section XIV: Annual Report of the Oxford Region Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement, the ORPC approved an Annual Budget for 2023. View the 2024 Annual Budget.
View a copy of the Oxford Region Planning Committee By-laws.
View a copy of the Oxford Region Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement.
To contact Mark Gallant (ORPC Secretary ), please email or call 610-344-6285.
The six Oxford Region municipalities are committed to working with residents and partner organizatoins to manage stormwater, protect drinking water, and preserve our watersrsheds for agriculture and biodiversity. Learn more!