Measuring Success



The Landscapes3 Protect Goal is to "Protect and restore critical natural resources to ensure a resilient environment that supports healthy communities." The following success stories represent key examples of how this goal has been realized through the actions of public and private entities throughout Chester County. This listing is not exhaustive and there are many more such success stories to be found around the county.

StormwaterWRA Completes County-wide Stormwater Plan Update

The Chester County Water Resources Authority completed an update to the County-wide Stormwater Management Plan in 2022 to ensure that residents and businesses are equipped to respond to evolving water resources needs. This initiative supports the Landscapes3 Protect Recommendation 3, "Enhance county-wide water resources planning."

MapNew Inventory of Natural Resources - Interactive Map

CCPC released an Inventory of Natural Resources in February of 2022 with an interactive map of the county's natural resources including geology and soils, water resources, open space, and natural habitats. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective C, "Support municipal and regional natural resource protection efforts, and promote a resource-based planning approach.

SustainabilityNew Sustainability Division and Keep Chester County Beautiful Affiliate

In 2022, the county created a new Sustainability Division to oversee the implementation of the Climate Action Plan and other clean energy initiatives. Rachael Griffith became the new Sustainability Director with Carrie Conwell also joining the new division. Additionally, the county became an official affiliate of Keep Chester County Beautiful, which is overseen by the Sustainability Division. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective D, "Promote the environmental, aesthetic, and economic value of protecting and restoring natural resources to residents and municipalities."

East PikelandRiparian Restoration Efforts in East Pikeland Township

East Pikeland Township received $10,000 from the American Water Association's Environmental Grant Program towards riparian revitalization with native shrubs, trees, and 95 acres of meadow grasses to reduce erosion and restore the native habitat as part of their Hidden River Park & Preserve Riparian Corridor Revitalization project. This initiative supports the Landscapes3 Protect Objective E, "Promote groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff and pollution reduction, flood mitigation and resiliency, and water quality improvement and protection to support safe and healthy communities."

Damn ToursWRA Hosts Tours of Hibernia Dam at Chambers Lake

The Chester County Water Resources Authority led guided walking tours of Hibernia Dam at Chambers Lake in the fall of 2022 to give residents an opportunity to learn the history of the dam and the ways in which it provides flood protection, safe and reliable drinking water supply in the greater Coatesville area, and recreation — such as fishing and boating. This initiative supports Landscapes3 Protect Objective F, "Ensure a safe, clean, long-term supply of water to meet the current and future needs of residents and businesses."

Conservation GuideProgress on Low Impact Designs

During 2022, progress was made on several residential development projects which employ Low Impact Design (LID) as described in CCPC's Conservation Subdivision Design Guide. A prime example is the Troutbeck Farms residential development in Willistown Township, which will include extensive riparian buffers. In Wallace Township, the Ferguson Preserve clusters the development to preserve a winding stream and its adjacent floodplain areas. This initiative supports Landscapes3 Protect Objective A, "Guide development away from sensitive natural resources and toward areas appropriate for accommodating growth."


The Landscapes3 Protect Goal is to "Protect and restore critical natural resources to ensure a resilient environment that supports healthy communities." The following success stories represent key examples of how this goal has been realized through the actions of public and private entities throughout Chester County. This listing is not exhaustive and there are many more such success stories to be found around the county.

PhotoMunicipal Outreach for Natural Resources Protection

Much of the work for the county's Municipal Outreach for Natural Resources Protection was undertaken in 2021, including CCPC contacting all 73 municipalities and meeting or talking with those who were interested in learning more about what they could do to protect resources in their municipalities. This will continue into the first half of 2022. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objectives B, "Support comprehensive protection and restoration of the county's ecosystems including woodlands, wetlands, surface waters, riparian corridors, groundwater, floodplains, soil health, steep slopes, aquatic and wildlife habitats, and natural heritage areas," and C, "Support municipal and regional natural resource protection efforts, and promote a resource-based planning approach."

PhotoWhite Clay Creek Watershed: Catch the Rain Program

Catch the Rain is a voluntary incentive program for property owners in the White Clay Creek watershed. Participation involves implementing projects, such as planting trees or installing a rain garden or rain barrel that reduce runoff from rain. Since 2016, this program has had 100 applicants, with 28 applicants following through with installing 1 or more practices. Practices implemented included 28 rain barrels, 6 tree plantings (‹1 acre), and 9 conservation landscapes (native plant gardens). This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective E, "Promote groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff and pollution reduction, flood mitigation and resiliency, and water quality improvement and protection to support safe and healthy communities."

PhotoEarth Day Celebration

In honor of Earth Day in April 2021, Chester County featured various environmental events and resources that supported the national Earth Day theme: Restore our Earth. This included Earth Day initiatives online and events held by local partners such as the Phoenixville Public Library and Brandywine Conservancy's Wild Garden Redesigned Event, with special guest Donald Pell. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective D, "Promote the environmental, aesthetic, and economic value of protecting and restoring natural resources to residents and municipalities."

PhotoMunicipal Stormwater Summit

The Chester County Water Resources Authority (CCWRA) hosted the first virtual Stormwater Summit on Friday, April 16. This event served as the first Watershed Plan Advisory Committee meeting, as required by the Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Act (PA Act 167), for the updates to the County-wide Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan and Model Ordinance. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Recommendations 3, 4, 5, and 6: "Enhance countywide water resources planning; monitor impacts of change on water resources; enhance stormwater technical assistance and collaboration; and promote innovative practices for improved water quality."

PhotoEast Marlborough Open Space, Recreation, & Environmental Resources Plan Update

The primary purpose of this project was to identify opportunities for future open space preservation, identify the current and potential future demands for recreational parks and facilities, and provide a vision for a bicycle and pedestrian transportation network that connects neighborhoods to parks, schools, and businesses. While most of the work was completed throughout 2020, East Marlborough's Open Space, Recreation, and Environmental Resources Plan was adopted on Feb 1, 2021. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Recommendation 2, "Provide natural resource policy and ordinance assistance."

PhotoBeaver Creek Flood Control Dam

The Chester County Water Resources Authority (CCWRA), in collaboration with the Natural Resource Conservation Service, completed a dam rehabilitation project on CCWRA's Beaver Creek Flood Control Dam in East Brandywine Township in 2021. The project will extend the lifespan of the dam for another 50 years, bring the flood control dam up to par with current DEP standards, and improve water quality by eliminating the standing sediment pool behind the dam. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Recommendation 7, "Enhance flood resiliency."

PhotoWesttown Township Official Sewage Facilities Plan

In April 2021, Westtown Township completed a plan to address future sewage disposal needs. A key focus was those properties that are continuing to utilize on-lot disposal systems, and the success of maintaining these systems so that they function properly. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Recommendation 8, "Support municipal on-lot sewage management programs."

PhotoClimate Action Plan Adopted

The Chester County Climate Action Plan was adopted by the County Commissioners on October 7, 2021. The plan was prepared by CCPC in partnership with the county's Environmental and Energy Advisory Board. The Climate Action Plan provides a blueprint for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency at County government facilities and community-wide. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective C, "Support municipal and regional natural resource protection efforts, and promote a resource-based planning approach."


The Landscapes3 Protect Goal is to "Protect and restore critical natural resources to ensure a resilient environment that supports healthy communities." The following success stories represent key examples of how this goal has been realized through the actions of public and private entities throughout Chester County. This listing is not exhaustive and there are many more such success stories to be found around the county.

PhotoHibernia Dam Rehabilitation Project

In September 2020, the Chester County Water Resources Authority announced the completion of the Hibernia Dam Rehabilitation Project. The project will extend the dam's lifespan for at least another 50 years. Hibernia Dam provides a source for supplemental drinking water supply, recreation, and flood control. This project helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Recommendation 7, "Enhance flood resiliency."

Great Marsh Upland Preserve

During spring 2020, the French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust opened to the public its 500-acre Great Marsh Upland Preserve in East Nantmeal Township. It includes three miles of hiking trails. This effort helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective B, "Support comprehensive protection and restoration of the county's ecosystems including woodlands, wetlands, surface waters, riparian corridors, groundwater, floodplains, soil health, steep slopes, aquatic and wildlife habitats, and natural heritage areas."

PhotoCrow's Nest Preserve Enhancements

In March 2020, Natural Lands added 91 acres to its Crow's Next Preserve in Warwick Township. In July, the preserve's trail network was doubled by installing raised boardwalk marsh trails. These trails link to trails in Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site, which link to French Creek State Park. These improvements help to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective C, "Support municipal and regional natural resource protection efforts, and promote a resource-based planning approach."

Photo Credit: Dan Barringer

Photo50 Ways Your Community Can Protect Our Planet Booklet

In April 2020, the Planning Commission released an environmental booklet in recognition of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, titled 50 Ways Your Community Can Protect Our Planet. The booklet features five topic areas to help municipalities and individuals contribute to protecting our planet's natural resources, and is available to be downloaded, printed or shared. This helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective D, "Promote the environmental, aesthetic, and economic value of protecting and restoring natural resources to residents and municipalities."

Green Infrastructure in Farm Operations

In fall 2020, the Conservation District received a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to assist farmers in implementing or repairing green infrastructure, such as grassed waterways and roof runoff structures. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective E, "Promote groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff and pollution reduction, flood mitigation and resiliency, and water quality improvement and protection to support safe and healthy communities."

PhotoNatural Lands Completes Massive Tree-Planting to Improve Water Quality

In January 2020, Natural Lands' announced that a massive tree-planting effort has been completed at their Bryn Coed Preserve in Chester Springs, including 12,500 native species which have been planted along a 3.5 mile stretch of streams creating more than 64 forested acres of riparian buffer. This helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Recommendation 6, "Promote innovative practices for improved water quality."

Chester County Watersheds Education Program Receives State Funding

In July 2020, educational programs to help teach children about the value of local watersheds and watershed protection in Chester County received $26,100 in state grant funding in July 2020. The grants are funded through the PA Department of Environmental Protection's Environmental Education Grant Program, and help to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective C, "Support municipal and regional natural resource protection efforts, and promote a resource-based planning approach."

PhotoWCU Receives "Tree Campus USA" Recognition

In May 2020, West Chester University was recognized as a "Tree Campus USA" by the Arbor Day Foundation. This is the eighth year WCU received the recognition, and it is one of only 18 campuses in the Commonwealth to receive this honor, and the only public university on the list. This helps to implement Landscapes3 Protect Objective D, "Promote the environmental, aesthetic, and economic value of protecting and restoring natural resources to residents and municipalities."

PhotoOnline tools for natural resource planning

During 2020, the Planning Commission posted natural resource related eTools on its municipal assistance web page. These eTools include guidance for comprehensive natural protection standards implemented through municipal ordinances, guidance for water conservation practices that use water efficiently, reducing use, and protecting water supplies, and guidance for floodplain protection on a land area subject to inundation or the rapid accumulation of runoff. These eTools help to implement Landscapes3 Protect Recommendation 2, "Provide natural resource policy and ordinance assistance."


During 2019, public and private organizations undertook various initiatives that helped to implement the Landscapes3 Protect Goal: "Protect and restore critical natural resources to ensure a resilient environment that supports healthy communities." The following success stories highlight some of the more notable initiatives.

PhotoEnvironmental & Energy Advisory Board Established

The Chester County Commissioners announced the formation of the Environmental and Energy Advisory Board (EEAB) in the fall of 2019. Goals of the board include creating a Climate Action Plan for Chester County, as well as focusing on the balance, interplay, and impact of energy-related initiatives and issues. This initiative helps to implement the Landscapes3 recommendation, "Promote benefits of natural resource protection."

PhotoWork begins on the Chester County Climate Action Plan

In the summer of 2019, the Planning Commission updated the county's 2010 Climate Action Plan, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Report, transforming it into a new Climate Action Plan. With assistance from the PA Department of Environmental Protection, Chester County coordinated with Millersville University staff and students to produce a greenhouse gas inventory. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 recommendation, "Promote benefits of natural resource protection."

PhotoChester County Clean Energy Tour highlights solar facilities throughout the County

In October 2919, Chester County's Clean Energy Tour, featured "open-houses" for residents to explore local sustainable energy practices such as solar power, wind generation, energy efficiency, and green design. The tour was organized by Chester County Ready for 100, a group which supports local communities in the transition to 100% clean, renewable energy. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 recommendation, "Promote benefits of natural resource protection."

PhotoTreeVitalize Watersheds Program and Keystone 10-million Trees Partnership

In 2019, the County Conservation District facilitated the planting of nearly 1,900 trees and shrubs, through the TreeVitalize Watersheds Program and Keystone 10-million Trees Partnership. By working alongside landowners, tree buffers were planted by over 100 volunteers along stream corridors, adjacent upland areas, and "naturalized" stormwater basins. This initiative helps to implement Landscapes3 recommendation, "Promote benefits of natural resource protection."