Implementation — How we Connect

Enhance pipeline safety and communication

How we Connect

Better communication between stakeholders during the pipeline planning and construction phase could help reduce the impacts of pipeline projects on landowners, residents, and the environment.

Enhance pipeline safety through the provision of information, facilitation of communication, and encouragement of partnerships to reduce impacts on residents and the environment.


The ability to find pipeline project and safety information and the need for consistent communication between stakeholders were identified as significant issues when pipeline expansion became more active within Chester County.


Objective information on pipeline projects, safety, operators, regulatory agencies, pipeline mapping, and landowner needs will continue to be provided and enhanced through the county's Pipeline Information Center website and a designated Point of Contact person. Communication between municipalities, residents, pipeline operators, regulatory agencies, non-regulatory groups, and other county departments will be facilitated. In addition, the county will work with municipalities, pipeline stakeholders, and other partners to reduce the impacts of pipeline proposals on the environment, limit impacts on abutting properties, encourage proper setbacks of new development from pipelines, and, to the extent possible, encourage projects to be directed away from established neighborhoods and high consequence areas. County agencies most directly involved in this effort include the Planning Commission, Conservation District, Open Space Preservation Department, Water Resources Authority, Health Department, and Department of Emergency Services.