Implementation — How we Prosper

Encourage Suburban Center investment

Flexible zoning, the addition of amenities, and strategic investment can enhance Suburban Centers.

Encourage Suburban Center investment by increasing transportation amenities and creating an enhanced sense of place.


Suburban Centers are the county's major employment centers and critical for accommodation of new development and a healthy economy. As important transportation hubs and mixed use areas, Suburban Centers are experiencing rapidly changing market conditions that require updates and modernization as a means to compete economically and to build healthier communities.


This work will focus on physical changes including trail connections, parks, and housing near employment, as well as supporting areas where experiential retail and pop-up uses provide a destination and sense of place in the community. The effort will advance the ability of these areas to attract desired development, accommodate diversified business and residential growth, and create high quality and resilient communities. Strategic planning and increased capital investment would support needed placemaking characteristics for Suburban Centers.

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