Following Up: Spring 2022 Planners' Forum
Posted April 15, 2022

The Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC) hosted the 2022 Spring Planners' Forum this past March 31 at the West Goshen Township Building and via Zoom, with more than 90 attendees joining to discuss and hear about current issues such as climate change, equity, affordable housing, and local economic growth.
Presenters included Jon Lesher and Ellis Foley, environmental planners with the Montgomery County Planning Commission; Spencer Gober, an economic development planner for the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC); and local West Chester architect, Thomas Dougherty. CCPC's Executive Director, Brian O'Leary, also provided opening remarks and an update on current happenings.
Lesher and Foley kicked off the forum by describing Montgomery County's Climate Change Potential Vulnerability Analysis and how it addresses equity. They also demonstrated how to best utilize the tool.
Next, Gober provided an overview of Cultivating a Homegrown Economy, which showed how municipalities can leverage consumer demand for local products to grow more resilient and sustainable local economies.
And last but not least, Dougherty discussed the potential transformation of alleys with accessory dwelling units and improved infrastructure.
The 2022 Spring Planners' Forum was the thirteenth semi-annual Planners' Forum hosted by the Chester County Planning Commission. If you missed the forum or would like to review the PowerPoints, they can be found on CCPC's website.
Stay on the lookout for information about CCPC's Fall 2022 Planners' Forum!